McKinney-Vento Program Information

Texas Education for Homeless Children and Youths (TEHCY) Program

The TEHCY Program is here to support the education of homeless children and youth in Texas. We ensure all public schools, charter schools, and education service centers (LEAs) comply with federal guidelines regarding homeless student services, as outlined in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.

What We Do:

  • Provide leadership and direction on implementing state and federal guidance for McKinney-Vento eligible students.

  • Offer resources and training to LEAs to identify and serve homeless students effectively.

  • Advocate for the educational rights of homeless children and youth.

Benefits for Homeless Students:

  • Immediate enrollment in school, regardless of residency, immunizations, or paperwork.

  • Right to attend their school of origin or the school in their current area.

  • Access to support services to remove barriers to education.

Getting Help:

  • Find Your Local McKinney-Vento Liaison: [Link to LEA McKinney-Vento Liaisons list on TEHCY website]( LEA McKinney-Vento Liaisons)

  • Contact the TEA TEHCY Program Staff:

    • Phone: 512-463-9414

    • Email:

  • Explore Resources: Link to TEHCY Resource Library

Stay Informed:

Together, we can ensure all students experiencing homelessness have access to a quality education.