Crane ISD Registration 2023-2024

Crane ISD Registration 2023-2024


Registration will move to your student's campus.

Friday, July 28th 
9 AM - 12 PM 

Monday, July 31st and Tuesday, August 1st
8 AM - 11 AM and 1 PM - 4 PM

Wednesday, August 2nd - Friday, August 4th
1 PM - 4 PM


CISD Multi-Purpose Room

July 18th - 20th

Pre-K and Kinder 9 AM - 3 PM

July 24th - 28th

Open to All: 8 AM - 4 PM 

Monday, July 24th CES 5 PM - 7 PM

Tuesday, July 25th CMS 5 PM - 7 PM

Wednesday, July 26th CHS 5 PM - 7 PM

Thursday, July 27th Open to All 5 PM - 7 PM

Friday, July 28th Open to All 5 PM - 7 PM

Required Documents

Student's Birth Certificate

Student's Social Security Card

Parent's Identification

Proof of Residency - Utility Bill (Gas, Water, Electricity) 

Pre-K and New Students must bring updated Immunization Record

Students will be able to pick up schedules at this time.

Questions, please contact student's campus.